Pottawatomie County Fire Chief Jared Barnes says the fire, which began as a controlled burn Friday afternoon, quickly became out of control, and pushed into Riley County, destroying one home north of Fancy Creek Range on Axelton Hill Road. Barnes says it’s tragic and also takes a mental toll on firefighters, trying to prevent such tragedy.

Russell says firefighters put their lives on the line trying to save the home that was destroyed. No other homes were damaged, though officials noted several buildings sustained minor damage in the area.
Kansas Forest Service State Fire Management Officer Bill Waln spoke about the aerial attack done on the fire both Saturday and Sunday. KFS deployed three fixed-wing aircraft and three rotor-wing aircraft, assisting with suppression efforts and reconnaissance.
Waln says the fixed-wing aircraft are capable of carrying 800 gallons of water at a time. The National Guard aircraft had 100 gallon buckets. Waln says KFS in coordination with the Kansas Department of Emergency Management, also put up a flight restricted area over the fire footprint.
Fire officials estimate about 30 residents were evacuated from their homes Sunday, primarily in Riley County. Evacuations are strictly voluntary. The fire line stretches about eight or nine miles along the river’s edge.