Pottawatomie County officials have identified the woman who died in Tuesday’s tornado in Westmoreland.
Ann Miller, 58, was killed when the tornado struck her home. Miller was a long term county resident and health department employee.
“Ann was the welcoming face of the Health Department for many years,” said Becky Ryan, Pottawatomie County Public Information Officer. “She was a good neighbor and a good friend to everyone. We miss her and will be here to support her family during this difficult time.”
Ryan says they’ve been humbled by the support that has poured in to the community in the last two days.
“More than 500 mutual aid volunteers from neighboring counties and agencies poured into the area to assist with the clean up today,” she said.
Westmoreland Mayor Mark Jack echoed those comments, noting folks have been helping their neighbors.
“We have more than enough resources and help. The response had been a bright spot during a dark time for our town,” he said. “We appreciate all the volunteers, emergency responders, and essential personnel who are helping us navigate our recovery from this disaster. In particular I would like to thank the American Red Cross, Salvation Army, and the Great Plains United Methodist Disaster Response Team, for their rapid response in our time of need.”
County officials say there is an active and ongoing effort to return lost property to rightful owners. If residents in the area find items on their property, they are encouraged to take it to the Westmoreland Community Center where it will be inventoried and safely stored until it can be returned. Further information will be released in the near future with instructions for residents to claim found items.